About Kid Flicks

Kid Flicks is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that donates movie libraries of 100 assorted DVDs to Children’s Hospitals and Pediatric Departments throughout the country.

Sisters Lexi, Romi, Marni and Berni co-founded Kid Flicks in 2002 after donating their own collection of movies to the Pediatric Oncology Department of Cedar Sinai Hospital.

Kid Flicks receives DVD donations from individuals throughout the country as well as from movie production companies and studios. With these donations, we compile movie libraries, which we ship to hospitals in all 50 states. Monetary donations along with grants provide funding for shipping costs.

Through providing these movie libraries, Kid Flicks helps children cope with what may be a painful and scary experience.

You can contact us at kidflicks@aol.com.


kid flicks picture with president smiling (2)

On January 29, 2008 Marni and Berni Barta received the President’s Volunteer Service Award from President George W. Bush when he visited Los Angeles. See more honors.